Geprägt war der heutige Tag durch
die Anfahrt auf den bisher höchsten Pass, Chief Joseph Pass, 7.241 Ft. Steigung
über 3000 Ft. Entweder unsere Kondition hat sich verändert oder unsere
Einstellung zu den Steigungen. Wir schaffen den Pass relativ bequem. Einziger
Sorgenpunkt heute, mein Reifen verlor plötzlich Luft, der Schlauch musste
gewechselt werden.
This day: Chief Joseph Pass, with more than 7200 ft the highest pass so far. Continental divide. But we do quite well, either because of our improved condition or because the pass has only 6% incline instead of the usual 7%. And we experience the second flat tire, this time on Renate's bike.
This day: Chief Joseph Pass, with more than 7200 ft the highest pass so far. Continental divide. But we do quite well, either because of our improved condition or because the pass has only 6% incline instead of the usual 7%. And we experience the second flat tire, this time on Renate's bike.
Auf 6000Ft. Höhe öffnete sich das
Land und wir kamen zum Big Hole Valley, Montana. Es ist wunderschön, rund um
das Valley in großer Entfernung die schneebedeckten Berge zu sehen und über
flaches Land zu radeln. Es ging ca. 10 Meilen geradeaus.
Riding on 6000 ft plateau: Big Hole Valley, MT. Flat as a pancake, surrounded in the far distance by snowcovered mountains. Stunningly beautiful, and the road leads us 10 mls straight through it.
Riding on 6000 ft plateau: Big Hole Valley, MT. Flat as a pancake, surrounded in the far distance by snowcovered mountains. Stunningly beautiful, and the road leads us 10 mls straight through it.
Georg war schon einmal mit seiner
Harley hier, als wir noch in Michigan gelebt haben. Er hat damals ein Foto
gemacht, das ich gemalt habe. Genau an dieser Stelle sind wir heute vorbei
I (Georg) travelled this place years ago on my Road King, and took a picture. We found the Same spot again, now we have a picture with the bicycles and Big Hole.
I (Georg) travelled this place years ago on my Road King, and took a picture. We found the Same spot again, now we have a picture with the bicycles and Big Hole.
Beim Abendessen sprach uns Rita auf
Deutsch an. Sie war wohl vor langer Zeit nach Wisdom (Population 119) gekommen.
At dinner Rita was our waitress. Approached us in German, an expat who somehow made it to Wisdom MT (population 119) ...
At dinner Rita was our waitress. Approached us in German, an expat who somehow made it to Wisdom MT (population 119) ...
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